
7 Things Every 20-Something Should Do in 2015


The new year have finally arrived and this time with more hopes of better future and better us. However, it totally depends on us in planning a real difference in living our lives as compare to others. Agree?
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Though January 1 is just like another normal day for many, but for those who want to live their life happily, it is a day for brighter prospects for them. These people actually make their life beautiful. So, why not be "the one" this year?

Let's plan something good for a brighter and better life by adopting some positive changes for the year. As who knows, after a year, we might be sitting at the same place, patting our own backs, for a wonderful 2015!

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1. Do More Of What Makes You Happy
As we have grown up and completed our studies or about to, doesn't mean that we have lost the authority to make our own life colorful and indulge ourselves in designing career all the time. Come on! Stop being boring. In fact, this is the time when you need some "self-motivation". Give yourself some quality time, relive by looking at your old photographs, treat yourself your favorite delicacies, spend time with family and old, long-forgotten friends.
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2. Live In Present
Ready to adopt the principle, "past is past - it's gone, future brings fears - it hasn't arrived, so live your present to the fullest".  Take charge of what’s happening around you right now. Stay connected with every single current moment and you will experience a real happiness and contentment.

3. Plan Your Time And Money

Both of these are extremely important, but wasted frivolously because we don't plan accordingly. As we, today's youth, waste hours scrolling our social profiles and spend exorbitantly on the next fad. But we can control. Right? So plan and spend over something meaningful this year.

4. Master Listening
No matter how eloquent orators we are, but if we can't listen, we can never communicate and learn. Leave ego, have patience and be a good listener by encouraging your dear ones to share every joy and sorrow with you. And, girls, it is said – if your man shares things with you and you listen intently, chances are he is already in love with you.

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5. Throw Away Emotional Burden
There is no doubt that we all carry some emotional burden inside us due to our past's bitter experience, bad deeds and miserable relationships. But we can favor ourselves by letting go off this negative burden from our minds. Sit, introspect, let it go and let the newer you come out.

6. Travel More And More
Travelling is the best learning experience and satisfying practice than anything. It explores you. Travel more while you are young. It will change the way you relate to the world and to the others. It will push the horizons of your mind, while teaching you to take up challenges

7. Cultivate the habit of reading
Those who read will tell you how great it feels to submerge oneself into a book. Whether it is a non-fiction novel, a fictional story, a magazine, a newspaper, or a self-help book, pick up one for yourself. At earlier stage, teach yourself to concentrate, and later on, it will become a habit. As you keep on reading on daily basis, you will realize how fulfilling the experience is.

Whether we adopt one or even all of the above practices, may we all strive to make this year the best one we have ever lived!

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