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Keeping The LOVE Alive: 5 Endeavors


Continuing further, now it's the time to give some positive and good views on how to keep your romance alive for those in a relationship and who want to go in a relationship in future. 

It is really important to impress your partner with sweet gestures and keep that spark in your relationship.It's not the women who appreciate the romantic and sweet gestures, men enjoy being wooed and pamper too. Some points must be there between the two so as to make the most compatible couple like the guy appreciated her girl's care or the girl admired his man's supportive nature. Agree?

As you must be well aware of the fact how great it feels to receive that beautiful gesture. Come and let's make a way on how to keep your relationship refreshing, beautiful and healthy always and forever.

1. Quality Time
 Quality time is it ! Now-a-days, couples are busy in Facebook, Instagram and other social profiles instead with each other. It's time to take a break from all this stuff and spend some quality time together, rekindle the love flame between you and your partner, listen each other lovingly and most importantly, focus on each other.

2. Give Thoughtful Gifts
Though a flower or a chocolate can make anyone smile, but still it makes a person really happy from within inside especially if you gift it to your partner. Give a thoughtful gift to your partner tailored his/her personality is one of the best way to make your relationship alive, refreshing and graceful.

3. Be Debt-Free
It could be possible that at times, financial issues become one of the reason for the people to get apart, but it's not about the money always. It could be in any form say each other's past or some kind of stupidity. But it will be great if you don't allow hurts and wrongs as it won't take a second to become an emotional debt. Just remember forgive and forget and start a new beginning.

4. Thoughtful Dates
Though a planned date is loved and enjoyed by both, but it becomes more rhythmic if it is surprised by either of two and most importantly, if it is according to the demand of a relationship to keep it beautiful.

5. Love in the Form of Thoughtful Notes
It is the best way to surprise your partner and express your love in words, gift them. Believe me, this is it that can never be separated and remains with your partner as the best gesture forever and always.

Well, I have expressed my way on how to make your beloved one happy with you. So, go and show them this romantic phase. Don't forget to show their reactions in the comments. :) 

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