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Holi Special: Prevent Maximum Damage to Your Hair


The colorful festival - Holi is around the corner and here, I am again to give some tips on hair care while going to play outside. Holi - a festival full of colors, water, sweat is all over not good for your hair, skin and nails.

So, in this blog I will discuss some easy following prevention steps on how to protect your hair in this festival.

1. Cover Your Hair

The best idea to protect your hair is cover it up either with a turban, scarf or dupatta. Whatever works ! And try to match it with your outfit that will make your more cute. 

2. Protective Spray

It is best to use a protective spray and spritz it all over your hair before going out. This will keep your hair safe from getting damage. But remember to use it in a little amount and else your hair will get sticky. That won't help !

3. A Hair Spa

A hair spa with a blow out is the best option to keep your hair safe. Besides this, oiling is also a good alternative if you are giving a spa at home itself.

4. Stay Hydrated

It is totally not the alcohol kind of stuff, but water. Yes, I am talking about water over here to keep yourself hydrated. Make it as a priority for yourself. Keeping hydrated results in good protection of your hair and skin seems to be highly underrated. So keep calm and stay hydrated.

5. Avoid Bad Chemicals

This seems to be little bit difficult for you, but prefer the celebration venue where you know water and colors will be of good quality.

So, these are some of the easy-to-follow tips for your hair prevention. Enjoy and have a Happy Holi ! 

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