I Feel Numb When He Says, “I don’t think I want you to do this.”


By - Nishtha Pathak , Content Writer & Social Media Manager

Exactly, no matter how confident and assertive you call yourself, when you hear your man say he doesn’t want you to do that thing because to him it is not correct; you are crestfallen. 

Am I dependent on him? Well, no.
Am I doing something that is ethically wrong? Certainly not.
Will this affect our relationship? (wondering……)

And this one question changes the course of a river. The free flowing river, the spirit of a woman is never meant to be kept in bound. Yet when you do this, eventually the most unnaturally expected disaster happens; one fine day your patience breaks its banks and there’s devastation all around.
Simply put, you want to prevent this disastrous flood, speak when he wants you to agree on something that your inner self disagrees with. 
Things which can be as simple as being picky about which friends you should hang out with; how long are you supposed to spend time with your family or buddies; what type of clothes should you wear when going out with him. These might not sound like a big deal initially, although they will be scratching your poise at that moment too. 
Beware! You will not even realise when these little scratches will leave deep wounds on your self-confidence and turn you into either a coarse woman with a pessimistic attitude towards everything; or  an unsociable zipped up dame without any viewpoint. And you certainly don’t want to be any of this.
It might affect your relationship a little in the start (maybe more than a little) but if you don’t tell him your discomfort; he will simply stop taking your advice or even considering the part of your disagreement.

There’s another advantage to this, not only will you find your voice but if he still stresses that you must listen and abide by his terms; you also get the signal that it is time to make him realize he doesn’t need to babysit you.
We have seen our mothers and aunts listen to their husbands like a sheep and somewhere the feeling has nurtured in us that being a woman we need to be the understanding and patient one. So, you choose to let go off this uncomfortable feeling just telling yourself it isn’t such a big deal, there are so many other important things in life to focus on.

Remember, if someone decided to adjust to the circumstances many years ago, you don’t need to do the same. Little sacrifices make a happy relationship but they should be mutual. If he let you into his life, he should also accept you exactly the way you are; that is where the chivalry of a man lies.
So if Rhett Butler hadn’t accepted Scarlett O’Hara the way she was, the world would never get to know about the woman who was stubborn, frivol and even an infidel to some.

If you have never bothered being the woman the world likes to question all the time; then why change today, just because he objected to it? Why disappear in mists of self-doubt simply because he feels insecure about you being yourself?

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