By - Nishtha Pathak , Content Writer & Social Media Manager
As women around the world come out with shocking revelations it seems that the 21st century is also a period chosen by skeletons to jump out of the cupboard. But it would be too hasty to say that our mothers went through the same, as homemakers or as professionals. I always believe situations cannot be applied like butter on bread; they never melt and spread evenly. The bumpy human nature along with several other factors will always affect the flavor of life.

I always believe that unless I let the society and its murky remarks affect me they can never make me feel puny. But often when it comes from the least expected sections, you are left startled. And it is often the white-collared educated lot. I know those prying eyes at all the places I have worked, either they want to be in your list of friends rather have you in their list of girls they are friends with; or they want to know who you are going around with, put in decent words ‘dating’. And the remarks are quite astonishing in both the cases. They come as, she is booked; she is too haughty; or the most demeaning ‘she is easy’.
Now, I have no offence towards these men, why have hard feelings towards the fox which couldn’t get the grapes. However, I despise the category who take pride in being friends with girls for the sake of displaying their gallantry and turning their kind green-eyed. Trust me we know it all and we know how to take advantage of this lot very well!
To my above comments a lot of men and perhaps women too will come up and say that it is too superfluous a statement. So, before I’m growled at, I would like to clarify that it doesn’t apply to everyone. I have met men and women who have amazed me with their candid attitude and big-heart. It is these folks who tell you no matter what they whisper behind your back, your life will ultimately head in the direction where you will lead it. The choice is yours, to let someone hold your reins or to make a new road that others will tread later.
While reading a series of articles where women molested by their relatives have decided to speak up after years; not to get justice for themselves but to prevent something even remotely similar happen to anyone else. Some of these narrations sent a chill through my spine; and yet it made me believe that women of this era have decided to come out of the cocoon and speak for themselves. They might have stepped out of their house long back to match shoulders with men but now you can see them giving a warning if you tried to brush their shoulders aside.
Well, it is not so bad a world. There are men with capability to revive back the liveliness of women with injured soul. Men with ability to see beyond, what a woman looks and behaves like and of course her past. Although in my opinion everyone has a past, it is just that a few are darker than others and this past does not limit itself to females. Digging the graves will only bring out skeletons, some more decayed than others.
Well, about the prominence of our haunting past, we will discuss in the next blog. Right now, feel delighted, you are born a woman God didn’t give that opportunity to so many others.